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Thursday, November 15, 2018

makalah bahasa inggris type of phrase






CHAPTER IINTRODUCTION........................................................................................ 1

CHAPTER IIDISCUSSION............................................................................................. 2

TYPE OF  PHRASE.......................................................................................................... 2
VERB OF PHRASE.......................................................................................................... 3
PREPOSTIONAL PHRASE............................................................................................. 4

CHAPTER III CLOSING................................................................................................. 6


Praise God Allah Almighty for all the grace , so that I can complete the preparation of this paper in the form and content of which may be very simple .

This paper contains about the types of phrases . Hopefully this paper can be used as a reference , instructions and guidelines , and is also useful to increase knowledge for the readers .

This paper I admit there are still many shortcomings because of the experience I have had very less . Therefore I expect the readers to provide inputs that are build to perfection this paper .

Medan      mei 2015



A phrase is a group of words acting as a single part of speech and not containing both a subject and a verb. It is a part of a sentence, and does not express a complete thought. The phrases in the first two sentences of this page are italicized.
The first sentence contains five phrases: "of words," "acting as a single part of speech," "as a single part," "of speech," and "not containing both a subject and a verb." Except for the phrase beginning with as,all the phrases are acting as adjectives. The phrase beginning with as is adverbial.

Type of phrase
A.    Type of phrase
            A phrase is a group of words without both a subject and predivcate. Phrases combine words into a larger unit that can function as a sentence element. For example, a participial phrase can include adjectives, nouns, prepositions and adverbs; as a single unit, however, it functions as one big adjective modifying a noun (or noun phrase). See this overview of phrase for more.
            Frase adalah sekelompok kata-kata tanpa kedua subjek dan predikat . Frase menggabungkan kata-kata menjadi sebuah unit yang lebih besar yang dapat berfungsi sebagai elemen kalimat . Sebagai contoh, sebuah frase partisip dapat mencakup kata sifat , kata benda , kata depan dan kata keterangan ; sebagai satu kesatuan , bagaimanapun, berfungsi sebagai salah satu sifat besar memodifikasi kata benda ( nomina atau frase ) . Lihat gambaran ini frase untuk lebih lanjut .
A phrase is two or more words that do not contain the subject-verb pair necessary to form a clause. Phrases can be very short or quite long.
Sebuah Frase adalah dua kata atau lebih yang tidak mengandung pasangan subjek - kata kerja yang diperlukan untuk membentuk klausa . Frase bisa sangat pendek atau cukup panjang .

Here are two examples:
Berikut adalah dua contoh :
After lunch
setelah makan siang
After slithering down the stairs and across the road to scare nearly to death Mrs. Philpot busy pruning her rose bushes.

Setelah merayap menuruni tangga dan di seberang jalan untuk menakut-nakuti hampir mati
 Mrs. Philpot sibuk pemangkasan semak-semak mawar nya
Certain phrases have specific names based on the type of word that begins or governs the word group
 noun phrase,verb phrase ,prepositionaal phrase ,infinitive phrase ,participle phrase gerund phrase, 
and absolute phrase
Frase tertentu memiliki nama tertentu berdasarkan jenis kata yang dimulai atau mengatur 
kelompok kata :
 frase nomina ,
 frase verba , 
frase preposisional
 , frase infinitif ,
 frasa partisip ,
 frase gerund , 
dan frase yang mutlak .
1.      Verb Phrases
Sometimes a sentence can communicate its meaning with a one-word verb. Other times, however, a sentence will use a verb phrase, a multi-word verb, to express more nuanced action or condition. A verb phrase can have up to four parts. The pattern looks like this:
Kadang-kadang kalimat dapat berkomunikasi artinya dengan satu - kata kerja kata . Lain kali ,
 namun , kalimat akan menggunakan frase kata kerja , kata kerja multi- kata ,
untuk mengungkapkan tindakan atau kondisi yang lebih bernuansa . 
Sebuah frase verba dapat memiliki hingga empat bagian . Pola seperti ini :
Auxiliary Verb(s) + Main Verb + Verb Ending When Necessary
Here are some examples:
Had cleaned
telah dibersihkan
Had = auxiliary verb; clean = main verb; ed = verb ending.
Should have been writing
Should, have, been = auxiliary verbs; write = main verb; ing= verb ending.
Must wash
Must = auxiliary verb; wash = main verb.
Here are the verb phrases in action:
Mom had just cleaned the refrigerator shelves when Lawrence knocked over the pitcher of orange juice
Ibu baru saja membersihkan rak kulkas ketika Lawrence menjatuhkan kendi jus jeruk

2.      Prepositional Phrases
At the minimum, a prepositional phrase  will begin with a prepostion and end with a noun, pronoun, gerund, or clause, the "object" of the preposition.
Minimal , frase preposisional akan mulai dengan preposisi dan diakhiri dengan kata benda , kata ganti 
, gerund , atau klausa , "objek " dari preposisi 
The object of the prepostion will often have one or more modifiers to describe it. These are the patterns for a prepositional phrase:
Objek preposisi sering akan memiliki satu atau lebih pengubah untuk menggambarkan hal itu .

 Ini adalah pola frase preposisional :

Preposition + Noun, Pronoun, Gerund, or Clause
Preposition + Modifier(s) + Noun, Pronoun, Gerund, or Clause

Here are some examples:

On time
On = preposition; time  = noun.
Underneath the sagging yellow couch
Underneath = preposition; the, sagging, yellow = modifiers; couch = noun.
From eating too much
From = preposition; eating = gerund; too, much = modifiers.
A prepositional phrase will function as an adjective or adverb. As an adjective, the prepositional phrase will answer the question Which one?
Read these examples:
The spider above the kitchen sink has just caught a fat fly.
Laba-laba di atas wastafel dapur baru saja menangkap lalat gemuk 

Which spider? The one above the kitchen sink!
Yang laba-laba ? Satu di atas wastafel dapur !


A phrase is a group of words without both a subject and predicate. Phrases combine words into a larger unit that can function as a sentence element. For example, a participial phrase can include adjectives, nouns, prepositions and adverbs; as a single unit, however, it functions as one big adjective modifying a noun (or noun phrase).
Verb Phrases
Sometimes a sentence can communicate its meaning with a one-word verb. Other times, however, a sentence will use a verb phrase, a multi-word verb, to express more nuanced action or condition. A verb phrase can have up to four parts.
Prepositional Phrases
At the minimum, a prepositional phrase will begin with a prepostion and end with a noun, pronoun, gerund, or clause, the "object" of the preposition.

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